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Medical Education Initiative

The Restoration Act (TRA) is deeply passionate about helping with restoration after ISIS decimated much of Northern Iraq. Since 2020, our healthcare activities - among TRA’s various humanitarian efforts in the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government  and Nineveh Governorate in Iraq - have focused in the area of education, research, advocacy and patient care for Phenylketonuria (PKU) and other Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEMs).

The Medical Education Initiative conference to be held in the future as conditions allow in the region will provide extensive education to physicians, midwives, nurses, and nutritionists in Northern Iraq to increase their understanding, skill, and capability in the areas of PKU, IEMs and pediatric neurological diseases. 
Continue reading below.

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Were you aware that babies born in northern Iraq have a 60% higher chance of having PKU than babies who are born worldwide?

Studies show a 1:3,800 in neighboring Turkey or Iran, with similar prevalence, compared with 1:16,000 worldwide average prevalence.  1Article

Who Will Present?

The weeklong medical education initiative will feature specially trained faculty from the United States, Czech Republic and Iraq who are specialized in pediatric metabolic and genetic disorders, pediatric neurology, clinical pathology, physiotherapy, and dietary management in metabolic and neurologic disease.

What is the Focus of the Conference?

The one-day Medical Education Conference, and additional small group education sessions by the visiting specialized physicians and metabolic dietitians, will teach on the genetics around IEMs, provide an in-depth look at Phenylketonuria (PKU) and other prevalent IEMs, provide education on clinical neurological topics of interest and prevalent in the pediatric population, and educate on the necessity and value of newborn (metabolic) screening (NBS) as well as appropriate interdisciplinary care and diet management, particularly in children with PKU.

When will the Medical Education Initiative Conference Occur?

The Initiative was planned to occur between January 13 and January 20, 2024, but is postponed due to unforeseen conditions in the Middle East. Please Pre-Register to be updated on future dates and plans.  

What is the Goal of the Medical Education Initiative?

TRA's goal is to be a catalyst, through education, advocacy and research, in rebuilding the capacity and capability of the Northern Iraq medical communities, to help their children with IEMs, and specifically PKU, live healthy lives through early diagnosis, timely treatment, and appropriate long term management. This weeklong Initiative is a significant catalyzing educational event to help bring about that goal. 

Why is TRA hosting this conference?

TRA (The Restoration Act) is the only organization providing this focus and education in Kurdistan. TRA has the full support of the Directorate of Health, Duhok, and the Kurdistan Regional Government Ministry of Health, and the Kurdistan Doctor Syndicate (KDS, the Kurdistan Medical Association) for the Initiative, along with ongoing work in providing education, advocacy, research and care management for PKU and IEMs, including formal Memorandum of Understanding(s) with each government entity. 

What are TRA's long-term goals?

Our primary long-term objective is reducing disability, improving quality of life, and restoring dignity for people with Metabolic Disorders through high-quality interdisciplinary care and support provided locally.

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